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Mind Boggler

This is a Spectrum 48K game I did back in the eighties in the on-board Sinclair BASIC. I suppose I did it when I was about 14, or so, so when I loaded-it decades later I was expecting it to be a bit poor, but I found it to be very playable and fun. It is game where you have to go left or right and select the correct number as quick as you can. Any indecision or hesitation about whether left or right is the quickest way to get to the number will seriously impact on your time. You can down load it by clicking on the link below, it is in the form of a .WAV file.

Along with Mind Boggler is the game that came with the 48K spectrum: Pangolins AKA Animals. It's not really the game I'm supplying here -- if you bought a Speccy you should have it already, but it is all the data with it that is the key thing here. I saved it because it contains such a lot of family memories for me: each question in there (except the first few supplied with the game) was filled-in by one of the family or by a friend, and it was at Christmas time we were playing with it, so as soon as I see a question come-up it takes me right back to that moment. I wonder with all the questions we put in, if it can guess the animal you're thinking of :-)

Click here to down-load WAV files.

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